The Vox Pops - MissImp @ NCF - Malt Cross

The Vox Pops – MissImp @ NCF

The Vox Pops - MissImp @ NCF


10 November 2023    
21:00 - 22:00

Event Type

£6, or £10 joint ticket with Breakfast of Champions & Enter Player 2.





A Nottingham improv institution, we find the comedy in truth and the funny in the every day. Jumping through scenes quicker than gossip spreads, our unique improv sketch show is slick, satirical and side splitting. Performed by Nottingham locals and settlers aged 25-62; the truth has never been so funny.


Part of MissImp’s Nottingham Comedy Festival programme.


Multi-show tickets available: £10 with Breakfast of Champions & Enter Player 2.

Book a ticket below or find out more here.

Booking Information

We love throwing open our doors and welcoming you to our Victorian Music Hall. Bringing people together, under our iconic glass roof, is our speciality. 

As a registered charity we actively fundraise to support vital programmes and services for vulnerable children and young people in the local community. This event is free but a donation can be made which will go directly to supporting communities across Nottingham and the wider county. Thank you for your continued generosity which allows us to support more people to belong, contribute and thrive.

Interested in what the YMCA does?  Find out more here

Contact 0115 941 1048 (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm)  or email